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College Information & Transcripts

College Visits

Starting in August and throughout the school year, various colleges will visit our College and Career Center to provide information to students. It is a great opportunity to see the programs and opportunities they offer. Students should email Mrs. Martin for a pre-signed pass for the visit.

Junior College Night

The Senior High School hosts an annual College Night for Juniors on March 26, 2024, at 7 p.m. in the CC Performing Arts Center. This event is for students and their families. School Counselors present on college application procedures. Additionally, a panel of college admissions representatives from MCC, Roberts Wesleyan College, SUNY Brockport, RIT and St. John Fisher College provide answers to pertinent questions involving the college search process. The panelists are happy to help your family navigate the application process, no matter where you decide to apply.

All are welcome to attend, listen and learn from our school and local experts. If you are a Junior and planning to attend college after high school, please attend this important College Night.  

Transcript Requests

Seniors Applying to College 

Colleges will request that a copy of your transcript be sent to them. In order to do this, you must do the following: 

  1. Select your college choices in Naviance

  2. Fill out and return the Request for Transcripts (green sheet) to Mrs. Martin in the College and Career Center. 

Mid-year Grades

Mid-year grades are not automatically sent to colleges/universities. In order to request this report be sent, please see Mrs. Martin. These reports will be available the second week of February. 

Final Senior Transcripts

Final Transcripts for the senior class will be sent  to the schools indicated by the students on their Senior Survey taken in May. They are mailed out by Mrs. Williams once they are recalculated and complete (mid July dependent upon our graduation date).

After graduation, all inquiries need to go to Mrs. Williams. Please note, colleges will ask for final transcripts before we can send them.  You should email the admissions office of your intended school and let them know of our late graduation date and tentative mid-July timeline for arrival. 

Questions prior to graduation can be directed to your counselor or Mrs. Martin.