Wegmans has agreed to set up a 30-day billing cycle with the SSBC. A 30 day billing allows the Coach / Team Manager to have no out-of-pocket expenses, when the following steps are adhered to.
- Include the products on the annual team budget for approval. (Call the stores for a quote/research quote online.) Such items could include; balloons, flowers, cakes, and catering items for team dinners.
- Submit a Budget and Purchase Order (PO) to the SSBC President for approval. (Products must be itemized)
- Once the team budget and PO are approved, the Team Manager can shop for the listed items on the approved budget and PO. Any alterations need additional budget and/or PO approval.
- Each SSBC Team Manager will receive two Wegmans cards at training. (One green card, which is our tax exemption card and one white card which is the team charge card. The card will have a pin number which will be shared to the Team Manager once the card has been issued. (Pin numbers cannot be changed.)
- The cards will be issued to the Team Manager at the Team Manager pre-season training session, unless requested in writing earlier than this training session.
- The Team Manager will turn the Shoppers Club card into the SSBC with the team financial register at the end of the season audit.
- Two options to get a written quote:
- Call Wegmans catering for a written quote.
- Download the Wegmans app. to your smartphone. Select your items to get your quote. The Team Manager will take the receipt/caterer invoice to the register; swipe the green card to remove tax, coupons, or bottle return if the team returned bottles, enter the pin, and then swipe the white credit card. Again, your team Shoppers Club card has limits up to $200.00 from the team funds for the whole season. If you need more contact the Clubs President.
- When the Team Manager checks out at Wegmans a receipt will be given with payment, the receipt must be uploaded to your google docs folder ASAP with the requisition requesting a transfer of money from your team account to pay the Wegmans bill. The term of the 30 day billing is that the Club has to pay on the same day every month you might make your purchase on that day or the day after. So you must upload your receipt ASAP. The convenience for the team is no out of pocket expense, not always the 30 days.
- All purchases will require a signature at Wegmans. We request the signature of the person that came to training, that is liable for the process.
- After the Team Manager makes a copy for his/her records, attach the receipt to the approved Budget, PO and Requisition form and submit the four documents to the SSBC Treasurer.
- The SSBC Treasurer will pay the invoice from the team account based on approved budget and PO forms.
- When using the Wegmans Shoppers Club card, you will get automatic Shoppers Club discounts, Team Managers can use coupons and bottle returns vouchers at check out – to be removed from the bill prior to swiping the card.
- Invoices need to be made out to the team name and a copy of the approved PO form attached for payment.
Notes: Gift Cards, alcohol or tobacco are not allowed to be purchased with your SSBC Shoppers Club card. Monitored for Personal Shopping - The SSBC tax exemption is automatically in place when using your SSBC Shoppers Club card. If you accidently use the SSBC Shoppers Club card for your personal purchases, you must go directly to the Customer Service desk and request a refund to the account, and reprocess your order under your personal Shoppers Club account. You will know the wrong card was used. You will either not be charged at all or have to pay less than the total depending on the amount spent on your receipt. The SSBC will know personal shopping occurred because we will receive an itemized bill with your signature for every purchase. Each misused line item will not have an approved budget or PO. Misuse of the Wegmans Shoppers Club card will result in a full investigation when the refund is not addressed prior to leaving the store after team funds have been used for personal shopping. The team will also lose the privilege of the team card, and Wegmans will assist in taking legal action.
Wegmans Shoppers Club PDF