Welcome to Our Athletic Program
Churchville-Chili Central School District is a member of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Section V, and the Monroe County Public School Athletic Association. We offer a wide variety of athletic teams for students in grades 7-12.
The vision of our athletic department is to provide a challenging, first-class, positive athletic experience where everyone strives for excellence and learns lifelong lessons. This involves a collaborative effort where a connection is fostered between students, coaches, families, administration and staff.
Our CCCSD Athletic Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of our athletic program and should be used as a reference by our student-athletes and parents/guardians.
Athletic Office
(585) 293-1800 ext. 3120
Michael Murray, CMAA
Director of Health, Physical Education & Athletics
Chris Daly
Athletic Coordinator
Maria Rivera
Administrative Assistant
Saints Spotlight on Athletics
Athletic News
HS students represent CCCSD at Youth Activation Summit
The summit offers students in the Youth Activation Committee and Unified Sports an opportunity to connect with their peers, share best practices and explore what it means to be a leader of inclusion within their local and neighboring school communities.
Five alumni inducted into Athletic Hall of Fame
The newest inductees were honored for their accomplishments and contributions to the Saints’ athletics program.
You CAN do both! campaign
Keep an eye on the district’s social media pages throughout the year for the “You CAN do both” posts and share some love for our students who go above and beyond!